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Author: Steve_Muchira

Record Transactions

This feature allows you to record the various transactions that occur within the group. May it be deposits, withdrawals or listing all the transactions active. Record Deposits: Upload Deposits: Recording Expenses, this offers a variety of options such recording expenses, dividend payments, contribution refund and account to account money transfer. The layout for recording a […]

Check Off

Dashboard Click on the check offs to be redirected to the check offs dashboard Check off is a feature that allows tracking, displaying, setting, and listing of the check offs received and available. Indicators Definition Check off Click here to be redirected to the checkoffs dash board Dashboard Click this dashboard feature to show the […]

Bank Account Transactions

This feature presents a detailed dashboard with various options, displaying data visually to aid in analysis and backtracking. Reconcile It has two features under it which are: reconcile deposits                                                                     : reconcile withdrawals NOTE: below is an example when you click either of the two features and there is no list of unreconciled deposits or […]

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