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Author: Steve_Muchira

Fine Categories

In the settings for fine categories, you will be greeted with a list of all the set up fines. This is an example of all the inbuilt fines: You can create or edit a new fine, select from the drop down list at the top for creating a new one or press edit to edit […]

Expense Categories

This feature lists all the expense categories available, when you click on the option it directs you to this new page: You can edit any expense or even create a new one, to create a new one press the drop down list and choose create new: Editing a category will bring you to the same […]

Group Roles

when you choose the group role settings, you will be directed to a new window displaying the list roles assigned to the different member: Creating a new role is done by clicking the drop down link and choosing create role, you will be directed to a new window where you can fill in the form:

Group Accounts

This feature lists all the bank accounts that the group has set up: List bank accounts: Creating a bank account, follow the process and fill in the form then save to implement the changes. It will the reflect when depositing money : Setting up a mobile money account: And it will appear in the list […]

Financial Reports

This generates financial summaries that the group can use; it can be account balances, cash flow statements, income statements, trial balance, balance sheet and transaction statements. To generate a balance sheet select it from the drop down and it will generate one: For the cash flow statements: The system offers all of these options with […]

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